The Marriott at 25th Street
Virginia Beach, VA
Delivery Method: Design Bid Build
Materials: Cast-in place concrete walls columns and floors
$8.5M Eleven story 99,384 sf, 143-room cast-in-place concrete flat plate hotel and an offsite cast-in-place parking structure with one elevated parking level. Hotel includes a pool, restaurant, meeting rooms, and a lounge.

Holiday Inn Phoenix
Phoenix, AZ
Delivery Method: Design Bid Build
Materials: Concrete framed podium first floor with wood framed walls, floors and roof above
$12M 78,852 SF 5 story hotel. The first floor of the hotel are concrete and masonry, while the remaining floors are wood and masonry framed.

Mellow Mushroom
Tempe, AZ
Delivery Method: Design Bid Build
Materials: Steel Framed
5000 sq ft renovation.